This page is only for registered CODE members.

If you are already a CODE member and have already completed registration, login here: Member Login


Not registered for the members section?

Registering here will allow you access to additional content such as board minutes and financial statements. Please complete the registration form and create a password to obtain access and register for notifications from CODE. You must be a current dues paying member in order to register.
Once your registration is complete it must be verified by an official. Your account will be activated upon successful verification. Expect up to 24-48 hours for your account to become active. Deduction of CODE dues from city pay must be verified before access to the members only area is permitted. You can expedite this process by providing a pay stub. Otherwise, CODE will verify the dues deduction from the next periodic report received from payroll.

Online Registration Form

Online Registration Form

Registration requires provision of a personal (non-City) email address.
I agree that the information in the members only section is confidential for internal CODE business only. I will not disseminate this information to anyone else. I understand that any dissemination of such information will be grounds for termination of CODE membership and access to this site
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